Monday, June 7, 2010

May 31 - June 6, 2010

Better week! Emotionally it was a roller coaster but I stayed on my training pretty good and had a long run Sunday that I bonked on, but still managed to finish it.

Monday - 4 miles, very very hard since I took Saturday and Sunday off and was at my mom's visiting with my little brother, sis-in-law and my Mom. I was a bit dehydrated and didn't get great sleep so it was tough but I made it through it.

Tuesday - BACK IN PULLMAN!!! I did 4 x 800 at 10k pace and felt really good. 4.5 miles total with recovery jogs in there and stayed at 7:10-6:53 min/mile pace for all of them.

Wednesday - Tired legs but did 3 mile easy run on treadmill

Thursday - OFF

Friday - 34 minute tempo run, then I did 30 minutes of a Fartlek with some of my girls on the Chipman Trail.

Saturday - Hiked Idler's rest with Boo, Bella, Corrie, McGruber and Kari!! Then I did a 4 mile run @ pace, finished in 30:20 so not too bad, I knew I had beer margaritas waiting for me afterwards so that helped spur me on ;-)

Sunday - Was supposed to do 1:45 run (3/1) and I started out feeling great, did 6.5 miles in 50:30 so was feeling great, I turned around and walked so I could take a bite of my Power Bar and get some Gatorade and when I started running again, I felt horrible. Walked too long, got out of my steady state and felt like garbage the whole rest of the way home. I ended up running 12.5 in 1:43:30 and felt horrible, I should have started a bit slower and sped up at the last 3rd of run. Oh well! It's still only 4 minutes slower than my PR in the 1/2 Marathon, so if Iwould have done the last .6 miles I'd have been about 8 minutes slower. Not TOO bad for a training run, just wish I would have felt better about it.....

Happy Training All!!!

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