So I'm starting to get where I just want this 1/2 Marathon over, I'm nervous and anxious and tired. I just want to run it and be done with it, for a day I know I know. Once I'm done I'll be right ready to get started on my next one! Ugh. Why do we do this to ourselves?? I know why, because it's great to train for something, great to feel like you are accomplishing something, and great to feel good about yourself. It's not only good for our bodies, it's good for our minds and souls. Without running, I'd be lost.
I was talking to a gal who knows me through work the other day and I was talking about my first year here and how miserable I was and how much I hated it around here, and how now I don't ever want to leave! I love the Palouse and the Northwest and really enjoy it what it has to offer. She said to me "but you weren't running that 1st year you were here because of your back, that's probably why you were miserable". WOW! She didn't even know me real well! I had completely forgotten that fact and probably was so miserable because I couldn't do what really makes me happy, albeit at times it makes me frustrated and angry, I always feel better when I'm done. Injuries will happen, plain and simple. When you push your body harder than it's ever been pushed, sometimes injuries happen. OR you do something to hurt yourself when you are not training and although it sucks and is frustrating, sometimes it's a chance for your body to do something different for a bit, get some rejuvenation and once you start again, you feel great. That's what happened to me, that was the 2nd full year that I had missed due to my back, I was even told I'd NEVER run again, and now I'm running sub-7:20 minute miles and feeling great. It's going to happen and in the long run it makes you mentally stronger if you can get through it, and makes you appreciate running even more.
Monday - 15k at Race Pace; felt pretty good, it was hard and hot but I finished 9.3 miles in just under 71 minutes so I was pretty happy with that. My back and IT band were NOT happy the next day, but it was fun running fast!
Tuesday - 3 miles easy
Wednesday - Whew, this was a tough one today! It was interval day.............
Warm Up - 800 m @ 8:30 pace
1 Mile @ 6:36
800 m @ 10:00 pace
1 Mile @ 6:32
800 m @ 10:00 pace
.75 Mile @ 6:25 pace
800 m @ 10:00 pace
.50 Mile @ 6:20 pace
800 m @ 10:00 pace
.25 @ 6:15 pace
400 m Cool Down.
It was SO tough, probably one of the hardest interval workouts I've ever done, but it felt GREAT when I was done!!!!!!
Thursday - 3 miles easy
Friday - OFF, drove to Shelby, MT to see my new niece!!!
Saturday - OFF, toured Glacier National Park, absolutely wonderful.
Sunday - 6 miles close to race pace
Good week of training, I'm not sure how it's going to translate into a PR in the Missoula Half, but we'll see, I'll work hard and do my best and try to be happy with whatever it brings me.
Happy Training All!
faster than a speeding bullet!! woo hoo!