Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 14 - June 20, 2010

It's a lighter week because I was supposed to run a 15k at Race Pace on Sunday, didn't get to it on Sunday but did it on Monday. Here was my week instead......

Monday - OFF, not sure why, think I was just busy or tired or whatever.

Tuesday - HARD DAY! But I LOVED every minute of it!!!!!!!!!
5 x 800 at what was supposed to be a 10-K race pace, but I did them more at my 5-K
race pace, 6:20-6:44 min/mile pace so I was thrilled with that. I felt awesome, did
them outside on a track and the wind was pretty brutal but still it was mentally good
to feel so good at that pace. I ran a slow 800 between each to recover. All in all, 5.25
miles including warm up.

Wednesday - 3 miles easy

Thursday - 30 minute tempo run, treadmill

Friday - I ran 4.8 miles with Michele on the trail, I did the first half at about 7:45 pace, then met up with her and we ran at about 9:00-9:30 pace. Great day, beautiful afternoon, then we went and picked flowers and had a glass of wine, can't ask for much better than that afternoon!

Saturday - OFF, Rest Day

Sunday - OFF, just couldn't run today...........

Decent week, feel pretty good!

Happy Training all!

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