Monday, July 12, 2010

June 28 - July 4, 2010

Sunday - We were in beautiful Kalispell, MT so Bella and I ran on a trail 6 miles at a little slower than race pace. It was difficult and very warm out, but great to run in such a beautiful place!

Monday - Bella and I took off for a 1:50 run and she did great, but it got really hot and I had to run up Main St. at 75 minutes in to take her home, then I continued on. I finished not so great, my pace slowed way down and it was a struggle at the end. I really need to focus on going slower in the beginning and finish stronger, one of my big weak points. No idea how many miles, I am estimating somewhere around 14 miles.

Tuesday - 3 miles easy

Wednesday - 6 x 800: I did them all at 6:05-6:15 pace and felt pretty good. In all it was 5 miles total

Thursday - OFF, flew to Ficer's New Hampshire!!

Friday - Flew through the night to Boston, then drove to Winchester, NH where Jen lives. We napped and then hiked about 5 miles up Pisgah Ridge. It was beautiful and great to see her again.

Saturday - 4.0 miles. Not very fast and it was a struggle but I did it!

Sunday - Race Day on Independence Day! 4.0 miles on the 4th! I won my age group and averaged 6:44 min/miles, 11th overall for females. But it was hard!! I struggled to keep a good pace and went out WAY too fast. I was very impressed, there were SO many good runners out there, very inspiring. I did a 3.0 slower run after the race to get my miles in for the day since I only have one week until the Missoula 1/2 Marathon! Then we ended the day with a 2.0 mile hike to a lake where Jen and Greg swam and Katie and I soaked our legs, then a bbq where I met all of Jen and Greg's friends and had a great evening.

Happy Training All!

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