Monday, July 12, 2010

July 5 - July 11, 2010

Monday - 3 miles easy from Jen's house out to the beautiful covered bridge! New England sure is beautiful, but the humidity is killing me! (And frizzing out my hair..... :-) We drove to upstate New York, Corning/Elmira area, to see Jen's family, stopped at Cooperstown to see the Baseball Hall of Fame, awesome!!!

Tuesday - 2 miles VERY slowly, wow it was humid, even at 8:00 a.m. it was in the high 80's and high humidity. Then we went wine tasting in the Finger Lakes, toured the Corning Glassware Gift Shop and ate at her brother's restaurant in Corning! Wonderful day.

Wednesday - SO HOT, wow, it's hotter and more humid then any place I can remember. We woke up early after a hot night and did 6 x 400's @ 5:55-6:05 pace. Whew, I normally sweat a lot, but whoa, can't even describe how sweaty I was. Ick.

Thursday - 30 min Tempo Run, felt okay, just heavy legs and the flies!!! OMG the flies absolutely drove me batty on that run, speaking of batty......... Jen and I spent 45 minutes on Wednesday night trying to get a bat out of her house! What??? We both were so sweaty because it was hot in the house already, then the stress and frenzy of getting a bat out of a house, whew we were drenched so off to the shower again at 10 p.m.

Friday - OFF. Flew to Spokane and then drove to Missoula

Saturday - 2.0 miles easy on the beautiful Missoula 1/2 Marathon course. Mosquitoes = horrible.

Sunday - RACE DAY. What I've been training for for the last 2.5 months and it didn't go as well as I had wanted it too. I finished on my watch in the high 1:37's, so a 7:26 min/mile average and I just wasn't happy. The 1st 8 miles I ran pretty well, averaging 7:05-7:20 which is what I wanted. Then I just hit a wall and my pace slowed to 7:30-7:40 min/miles. I'm sure it was a combination of everything, travel, not eating well, maybe a bit of dehydration, but such is life. I wouldn't do it any differently again, I had a great week with Jen, enjoyed meeting her boyfriend and friends and family, and had a great time in Missoula.
The big news of Sunday was that BRADY RAN HIS 1ST HALF MARATHON!!!! He did so awesome, finished in 1:54 and I'm very proud of him! He loved it and my Mom was there as well so it was a good weekend.

Happy Training All!

1 comment:

  1. very cool....sounds like you have been busy! hope to catch up soon.
