Friday, July 23, 2010

July 18 - July 24, 2010

Mt. Misery killed me!!!!!!!!

Sunday - woke up very very sore but cleaned all day and then did a walk/jog/hike with Denise, Cyndi, Bridgette and 5 dogs up at the Headwaters on Moscow Mtn (thanks Olivia for the find!)
I think it was about 60 minutes or so, felt good to do something, and the dogs did awesome!

Monday - wow, still a bit sore, but mostly I'm FATIGUED and exhausted. Took today off to give my body a chance to catch up.

Tuesday - This was fun, I had a track workout planned for the evening and I ended up only being able to do 400 repeats for about 4.5 miles. I didn't even take my watch, just ran one moderately hard and one easy. My quads and hamstrings just haven't recovered and I think on one of those 40+ legs of Mt. Misery I tweaked my right hammie. Need to be smart, need to be smart............

Wednesday - Couldn't stand being cooped up in the office anymore so instead of doing a cardio circuit with Lindsay after work, I asked her if we could run on the trail. Her IT band has been extremely tight and irritated but we did okay. We did about 4.5 miles easy on the Chipman Trail with the dogs and the heat. Fun times!

Thursday - Track workout! Thankfully when I told Jason Sampson I was doing one, he said he'd join me to get through my misery.........
1600 Warm Up
1600 @ 6:57
800 recovery
1600 @ 6:53
800 recovery
1600 @ 7:03
800 cool down
It was tough and the wind was brutal, but Lori and Bobbi and Jason being there really helped me get through it!

Friday - Elliptical and Weights with Michele and Denise!

Saturday - Boot Camping it up today!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Training All!

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