Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

So I flew back into Pullman at 11:20 p.m. last night and had to be at work by 6:45 a.m. so needless to say, I'm exhausted.
I almost didn't work out...........

36 minutes on the Elliptical today.

Feeling a tad guilty, but I know my body needed a recovery day and I'm glad I did something, got a little sweat going.

Skipped stretching though, not a good idea after 3 days of hard runs in a row in Florida and then a 9 hour trip home......
My back is feeling it today, having a hard time lifting my right leg, so I'm glad I was smart and did the Elliptical but sure wished I stretched.

Don't feel guilty if you are busy and can't get a workout in, but skipping 2 days in a row, is not usually a good idea unless it's a planned break. Even when you feel tired and sluggish, sometimes it's good to get in and do something, even if it's biking or elliptical for 25+ minutes and a good stretch. You will feel better for it.

Happy Training All!

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