Monday, March 22, 2010

March 15 - March 21, 2010


Monday - 8 beautiful miles in Firth, ID, near the Snake River.
Ran at my race pace from the Seattle Rock N'Roll 1/2 last June so was happy with that, held 7:25-7:35 minute miles.

Tuesday - OFF, sadly drove home from Mom's back to Pullman, but it was a beautiful sunny and warm day, plus I got to stop at the best Mexican restaurant in lil ole Dillon MT so it was worth it!

Wednesday - 36 minutes elliptical

Thursday - 4.5 miles treadmill

Friday - Ran/Walked 3.0 miles with Denise

Saturday - 4 miles @ 7:35 pace

Sunday - 9 miles easy

I needed to get some time on my feet this week and not go balls out, my body needed this "spring break"

Happy Training All!