Glad that week is over. But it ended with the 100k race yesterday, with a group of awesome women and although my leg was brutal and horrid, I still enjoyed the sun, friendship and stories.
As my Dad always says "Life's about stories", very true Dad, very true.
I took a long time to recover from the Mt. Si relay and wasn't looking forward to the 100k, mainly because I knew I wouldn't run the 6.3 mile uphill leg I had very well. I was so excited though that Lindsay Henahan (asst. swim coach) ran with us and met some of my good friends from Snap, Bridgette, Michele & Linhda as well as meeting some other wonderful women. I started off the day with a poor attitude, I was tired, had a bad week and didn't want to spend the day in the car. Boy, when will I ever learn?? Spending the day in the car, watching friends kill their runs, encouraging each other, cheering and being cheered for as you think you might die, it DOESN'T GET MUCH BETTER THAN THAT!!!
I won't go over what I did last week in my training because it wasn't much, but I needed to recover and I needed to deal with things personally so I tried not to feel guilty and just got in what my body would allow. I made it through my leg, with the help of my teammates and two nice guys who were supporting their own runners, but kept me going with "you're over halfway", "looking strong!" (even though I looked like death) and giving me water and gatorade.
I'm renewed, I hope.
Happy Training All!
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