Monday, February 28, 2011

February 20 - 26, 2011

Good week of training again, felt good to be away from Pullman in Colorado though, nice little break.

Sunday - OFF

Monday - 4 mile tempo run

Tuesday - 6.2 mile Speed Ladder, felt awesome

Wednesday - 40 minute easy elliptical

Thursday - 74 minute Cardio Circuit, yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! So much fun, so brutally hard but I love EVERY minute of it! I encourage you all to have those workouts where your Arse is just kicked and you feel close to verge of puking or quitting, push through it and you will be so proud of yourself that you did. It was fantastic.

Friday - 4 mile tempo run before heading to Seattle

Saturday - OFF

Fun week, just wish this snow would stop! I've been cooking a lot, a great site is and I've made quite a few soups (this snow has really put me in the mood for healthy soups!)
But I'm really ready for spring and to get outside and run and sweat!

Happy Training All!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm back.

So it's been an interesting winter so far, got some answers on my back, finally, that I think are really going to help this time. Saw the Spine Team in Spokane and finally a doctor did not tell me "well just stop running" because obviously that isn't going to happen.
I've had 2 sets of cortisone injections into L3/L4/L5/S1 and in 2 weeks I'll have what's called a neuralablasion done, which is basically where they go in and cauterize the nerves in between those vertebraes where they think a lot of the pain is being caused by arthritis. I'll hopefully have my SI Joint done after this procedure as well. So even though it's not a "fix" it should help for a year or more and that would be fabulous. I haven't been pain free in 15+ years and to be pain free after those cortisone injections, even for 2-4 hours, brought me to tears, it was amazing and gave me so much more hope then I've had in a long time.

My workouts are going okay, I've been working a lot so have been tired and sometimes the last thing I want to do is workout, but once I get my butt started, I always feel so much better.

So here is last week's workouts, I feel good about them!

Feb 12 - Feb 19, 2011
Saturday - 75 minute brutal Boot Camp! 14 people did it!!!!!! It was a lot of fun and brutally hard but I loved every minute of it!

Sunday - 4 mile tempo run: felt good, but a bit tired and sore from Saturday

Monday - 3 miles steady

Tuesday - 5.10 mile Speed Ladder: felt really good

Wednesday - 4 miles steady

Thursday - 64 minute Cardio Circuit: this was a good one..........
8 stations
Round 1 - 1:30
Round 2 - 1:15
Round 3 - 1:00
Round 4 - :45
Round 5 - :45
Round 6 - 1:00
Round 7 - 1:15

Friday - 4 miles before we flew off to Colorado

Saturday - OFF

Good week of training, happy with how I did, how I felt, and how many miles I accomplished.

Happy Training all!