Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nutrition Talk

Well now that summer is in full swing, sometimes we forget about what we are eating and/or drinking and the lbs start creeping back on, or maybe you are just maintaining while still working out hard. Here are some things to remember and try!

1. MAKE SURE YOU ARE EATING ENOUGH!! Most meals should be at least 400 calories and snacks should be around 100-200. This will help ensure that you are full from your meal and not want to snack for the next 2-3 hours.

2. STAY AWAY FROM WHITE FOODS!! I can't stress this enough, even if you ate 200 more calories a day, but they were calories that came from high-fiber, natural food choices, that is going to be better than a day of simple carbohydrates. If you eat too many carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates (white pasta, white bread, white rice, etc) your body can't use all those carbs so they are stored as fat. Yes people, THEY ARE STORED AS FAT! Stick to lean protein, yogurt, fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates (foods with more than 3g of fiber per serving). You will feel fuller, have more energy and lose weight! Sprinkle a little flax seed on your yogurt, oatmeal or cereal. It can help curb your appetite and it's full of fiber which will make you feel more full.

3. MAKE SURE YOU ARE GETTING ENOUGH VITAMIN-D: Essential for preserving metabolism revving-muscle tissue. Sources are tuna, salmon, shrimp, fortified milk, eggs. A little goes a long ways though!

4. SLOW DOWN ON THE COCKTAILS: I'm all for enjoying a glass of good wine or a finely made martini, however 1-2 drinks is usually enough! Say no to that 3rd drink and you will not only feel better in the morning, your workouts will be better! Alcohol slows the body's ability to burn calories because it actually uses the alcohol as it's energy source, therefore preserving all those calories you should be burning.
Also remember that beers, especially micro-brews that taste OH-SO good, are filled with empty calories and can pack on the pounds real fast!

5. SKIP THE LIGHTER FOODS: Foods that are packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals will actually fill you up and make you feel satisfied. 100-calorie packs of snacks usually don't do anything except make you hungrier. I feel these have their place, such as when you finish a meal and want something sweet, these are better than reaching for the pint of ice cream, but the "lighter" the foods are, the more you have to eat of them to feel full. Low-calorie heavier foods such as oranges, spinach, canteloupe, broccoli, grapefruit and strawberries will make you feel full and have less calories, plus have many vitamins and minerals to help your immune system and overall health!

Happy Training All!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 21 - June 27 2010

So I'm starting to get where I just want this 1/2 Marathon over, I'm nervous and anxious and tired. I just want to run it and be done with it, for a day I know I know. Once I'm done I'll be right ready to get started on my next one! Ugh. Why do we do this to ourselves?? I know why, because it's great to train for something, great to feel like you are accomplishing something, and great to feel good about yourself. It's not only good for our bodies, it's good for our minds and souls. Without running, I'd be lost.

I was talking to a gal who knows me through work the other day and I was talking about my first year here and how miserable I was and how much I hated it around here, and how now I don't ever want to leave! I love the Palouse and the Northwest and really enjoy it what it has to offer. She said to me "but you weren't running that 1st year you were here because of your back, that's probably why you were miserable". WOW! She didn't even know me real well! I had completely forgotten that fact and probably was so miserable because I couldn't do what really makes me happy, albeit at times it makes me frustrated and angry, I always feel better when I'm done. Injuries will happen, plain and simple. When you push your body harder than it's ever been pushed, sometimes injuries happen. OR you do something to hurt yourself when you are not training and although it sucks and is frustrating, sometimes it's a chance for your body to do something different for a bit, get some rejuvenation and once you start again, you feel great. That's what happened to me, that was the 2nd full year that I had missed due to my back, I was even told I'd NEVER run again, and now I'm running sub-7:20 minute miles and feeling great. It's going to happen and in the long run it makes you mentally stronger if you can get through it, and makes you appreciate running even more.

Monday - 15k at Race Pace; felt pretty good, it was hard and hot but I finished 9.3 miles in just under 71 minutes so I was pretty happy with that. My back and IT band were NOT happy the next day, but it was fun running fast!

Tuesday - 3 miles easy

Wednesday - Whew, this was a tough one today! It was interval day.............
Warm Up - 800 m @ 8:30 pace
1 Mile @ 6:36
800 m @ 10:00 pace
1 Mile @ 6:32
800 m @ 10:00 pace
.75 Mile @ 6:25 pace
800 m @ 10:00 pace
.50 Mile @ 6:20 pace
800 m @ 10:00 pace
.25 @ 6:15 pace
400 m Cool Down.
It was SO tough, probably one of the hardest interval workouts I've ever done, but it felt GREAT when I was done!!!!!!

Thursday - 3 miles easy

Friday - OFF, drove to Shelby, MT to see my new niece!!!

Saturday - OFF, toured Glacier National Park, absolutely wonderful.

Sunday - 6 miles close to race pace

Good week of training, I'm not sure how it's going to translate into a PR in the Missoula Half, but we'll see, I'll work hard and do my best and try to be happy with whatever it brings me.

Happy Training All!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 14 - June 20, 2010

It's a lighter week because I was supposed to run a 15k at Race Pace on Sunday, didn't get to it on Sunday but did it on Monday. Here was my week instead......

Monday - OFF, not sure why, think I was just busy or tired or whatever.

Tuesday - HARD DAY! But I LOVED every minute of it!!!!!!!!!
5 x 800 at what was supposed to be a 10-K race pace, but I did them more at my 5-K
race pace, 6:20-6:44 min/mile pace so I was thrilled with that. I felt awesome, did
them outside on a track and the wind was pretty brutal but still it was mentally good
to feel so good at that pace. I ran a slow 800 between each to recover. All in all, 5.25
miles including warm up.

Wednesday - 3 miles easy

Thursday - 30 minute tempo run, treadmill

Friday - I ran 4.8 miles with Michele on the trail, I did the first half at about 7:45 pace, then met up with her and we ran at about 9:00-9:30 pace. Great day, beautiful afternoon, then we went and picked flowers and had a glass of wine, can't ask for much better than that afternoon!

Saturday - OFF, Rest Day

Sunday - OFF, just couldn't run today...........

Decent week, feel pretty good!

Happy Training all!

June 7 - June 13, 2010

Sorry it's been a while since I wrote, but maybe it's me being tired and just ready for the Missoula Half to get here..........

Monday - 25 Minutes on the Arc Trainer

Tuesday - Hilary was here!! It was so fun to run with her and spend time with her this week, we had a great time. Today we ran 3 miles moderate, then we did Boot Camp!! At Boot Camp I also ran 1 mile at about 7:25 pace, .75 miles at 7:15 pace, and .50 miles at 7:00 pace. It was a good workout today, thanks Hil Bil!

Wednesday - 3 mile easy run with Hil and the dogs

Thursday - 46 minute Tempo Run, think I got 5.80 miles in.......

Friday - OFF, we walked around Kellogg, ID

Saturday - Hilary left, very sad, it was great having her here. I drove to Coeur D'Alene and ran 1:46 min run on the Centennial Trail. It was hot and I stopped because a biker ran into an older gentleman and I stopped to help, but other than the hills being brutal, I felt okay, not great, but okay. I think I got 13.2 miles in.........

Sunday - Hiked up at Klemgard with the dogs, beautiful day!!

It was a good week, it's always tough when you have company here because you want to spend all your free time with them! Fortunately Hilary loves to run as well and we got some good training in this week. It's fun to have a buddy to run with!

Happy Training All!

Monday, June 7, 2010

May 31 - June 6, 2010

Better week! Emotionally it was a roller coaster but I stayed on my training pretty good and had a long run Sunday that I bonked on, but still managed to finish it.

Monday - 4 miles, very very hard since I took Saturday and Sunday off and was at my mom's visiting with my little brother, sis-in-law and my Mom. I was a bit dehydrated and didn't get great sleep so it was tough but I made it through it.

Tuesday - BACK IN PULLMAN!!! I did 4 x 800 at 10k pace and felt really good. 4.5 miles total with recovery jogs in there and stayed at 7:10-6:53 min/mile pace for all of them.

Wednesday - Tired legs but did 3 mile easy run on treadmill

Thursday - OFF

Friday - 34 minute tempo run, then I did 30 minutes of a Fartlek with some of my girls on the Chipman Trail.

Saturday - Hiked Idler's rest with Boo, Bella, Corrie, McGruber and Kari!! Then I did a 4 mile run @ pace, finished in 30:20 so not too bad, I knew I had beer margaritas waiting for me afterwards so that helped spur me on ;-)

Sunday - Was supposed to do 1:45 run (3/1) and I started out feeling great, did 6.5 miles in 50:30 so was feeling great, I turned around and walked so I could take a bite of my Power Bar and get some Gatorade and when I started running again, I felt horrible. Walked too long, got out of my steady state and felt like garbage the whole rest of the way home. I ended up running 12.5 in 1:43:30 and felt horrible, I should have started a bit slower and sped up at the last 3rd of run. Oh well! It's still only 4 minutes slower than my PR in the 1/2 Marathon, so if Iwould have done the last .6 miles I'd have been about 8 minutes slower. Not TOO bad for a training run, just wish I would have felt better about it.....

Happy Training All!!!

May 24 - May 30, 2010

So much vacation in May, I love it, but hard to get great training runs in when you are traveling. Still you have just got to persevere, get in what you can, and relax and not worry about the rest!

Monday - OFF

Tuesday - 8 x 400's at 5k pace (1st 3 intervals @ 5:55-6:05 pace, 4-6 @ 6:10-6:25 pace, 7 & 8 were at 6:45-7:05 pace) Need to adjust that, felt so good starting out, hadn't done speed work on an actual track in a long time and I just felt so good!

Wednesday - Started suffering from Plantar Fasciitis pretty bad in St. Louis so I stayed off it and just did elliptical for 30 minutes instead of a 3-mile easy run.

Thursday - 30 minute Tempo Run (3.75 miles)

Friday - 25 minute easy run

Saturday - OFF (was at Mom's in Idaho Falls)

Sunday - OFF (was supposed to do a 10k at race pace but we went to Jackson Hole instead!)

So I didn't get ALL my runs in but oh well, I will move forward! I'm back in Pullman now for a while, until I go see Fice back east, then the Missoula 1/2 Marathon in July!!!

Happy Training All