Monday, September 13, 2010

September 6 - 12, 2010

The week before Whitefish!! It was a weekend I was really looking forward to, but nervous about because I hadn't been getting my miles in since Spokane to Sandpoint. Oh I had been running and working out, doing hard cardio circuits, speed ladders and Boot Camps, but I hadn't gone for a long run since Wednesday, 10 days before Two Bear Half Marathon.

So this was my week of training:

Monday, Labor Day - Boot Camp

Tuesday - 72 minute cardio circuit, yahoooooooooooooo. Boy we were exhausted, I fell asleep that night at 8:20 p.m.! Thanks Lindsay, Erica, Donnie, Corrie and Josh for doing it with me, I love having company!

Wednesday - 4 miles easy with BellyBoo

Thursday - Taper!

Friday - Taper and Travel Day!

Saturday - Fun fun day in Whitefish with the girls and Brady, we ate great food, went on a 2.0 mile run, relaxed, stretched, walked around town and just had a fantastic day. Can't wait to go back to BedN'Bale House!!!

Sunday - Race Day! I have to say I am finally inching toward my goal time of a 1:32 Half Marathon, thankfully. It was a perfect day, a little chilly at the start, but I warmed up for about 15 minutes, stretched, dynamic warm up and was feeling really good. The race started off downhill so mentally you feel great and physically you feel even better, but you know the hills will be come at mile 4.0 and don't stop until after mile 8.0, then you have rolling hills to look forward to, which even when they are only .10 in length, after 9 miles any hill is tough! But it was a beautiful course, challenging but scenic and fun, I NEVER got bored and it went by pretty fast. I actually held myself back in the beginning and had negative splits!! I was really excited about this, I did have a bad mile around Mile 8, but recovered and got back into my pace. I finished in 1:36 which I haven't been able to break 1:37 in the last 3 races so I'm really excited about this. More exciting though is that Brady, Bridgette, Michele, and Cyndi all PR'd as well, and Denise ran her first half marathon and did awesome!

It was a really fun weekend, I'm definitely going back next year for this race!

Happy Training All!


  1. Thanks Harmony. I read your blog, move on, don't try to make up the miles, just forget about it and go on with your training. I had a bad run about 5 weeks before my full marathon, was supposed to run 17 and only got 13 in and felt horrible. My brother told me to forget it, move on to the next workout and you'll be fine. And guess what?? I was! Don't dwell, you'll be fine!!
